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Astrology with LC

Astrology with LC

Candice Young

Astrologer, Moon-lover and empowerment coach. Her passion is helping people discover their purpose and unique blueprint through their birth chart. We are slowly coming back to the wisdom of the cosmos as a guide for life.

Follow @ninthouseastrology on Instagram or email to book your birth chart reading and more.


Astrology for December

Wow… just how is everyone feeling after that intense eclipse season?? Have you managed to summon the courage to come out from under your duvet yet or are you still feeling some cosmic PTSD?

We ended November December with a more optimistic and forward-thinking New Moon and Jupiter stationing direct. One of the big opportunities of the Sagittarius New Moon is allowing us to understand themes of power and self-sovereignty after so much change and tumult. Even if you didn’t experience the eclipse significantly we require some reflection (and serious self-love affirming) as we come to the end of 2022. One way this will show up for many of us, is the call to set up a new business or perhaps seeing your side hustle become that main hustles.  If it feels big, spiritual, creative and like an expanded vision of your life - then go for it!! Let your higher goddess lead right now, restrictions of the ego are not needed - The key message here is BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!

Neptune turned direct in Pisces on 3rd December and in the words of Jimmy Cliff ‘I can see clearly now the rain has gone... gone are the dark clouds that had me blind’. At last, here comes some clarity in the area of your life that is ruled by the sign of the fishes - but remember, as the fog clears, we need to be ready to accept this newly unveiled reality – warts and all. This will be particularly significant as we move through this Full Moon in Gemini which will bring a revelation, an ‘illumination’ of sorts, and likely offer you a choice or at least a multiplicity of options in your Gemini life area. Conjunct the Mars Retrograde this Full Moon is FIRED UP. We will experience anger, agitation, frustration or even aggression over these few days. Grant yourself the grace of not making feelings ‘wrong’ but instead sit with whatever wants to make itself known and then release (I have several Full Moon ceremony recommendations)

Finally, here in the Northern hemisphere, we will experience the winter Solstice on the 21st December. This is always a powerful time, not only is it the literal darkest (aka shortest day of the whole year) but also it marks the end of a cycle. In the spirit of this renewal and rebirth, I encourage to think about what you wish to bring about for the Spring Solstice at the end of March and set yourself some goals for that time.

When the mirror of your heart becomes clear and pure, you will behold images) outside the world of water and earth.

- Seth Godin

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